About Me
Let me tell you a few things about myself...
Hello,I'am Chandrashekara K V currently Studying Computer Science and Engineering at SIR MVIT college, Bangalore. Actively Learing New Skills | Interested in Web Developement, DataScience and Python.
Here is MyResume.
SuperMarket project
Basic Web Development Project
This project is done using HTML,CSS,PHP languages it provides billing system in super market and also displays the number of items available in market. Made using HTML, CSS,PHP,MYSQL.
Credit Management-website
Simple Dynamic Website
Web development project task as a part of The spark foundation(TSF)-GRIP Internship. Made using HTML,CSS,PHP,Bootstrap and JavaScript database used MySQL.
Simple Python Project
Its a scientic Calculator with GUI Interface that makes user more comfortable to use, Made using Python3.
Big Mart Sales Prediction Project
Big Mart Sales Prediction Project
This project gives insights of big mart sales.